Saturday, November 5, 2011

chicken rice

when i heard chicken rice, things which came to my head was - it was rice for chicken ^^. ok not funny. so last few days i prepared chicken rice for dinner, something easy and simple to prepare i suppose. so what do we need are.

Ingredient A (rice)
2 cups of rice.
onion chopped
4 inch ginger 
pinch of salt
panda leaves (optional)

ingredient B - blended the ingredient and marinate the chicken (roasted chicken)
1 whole or 3/4 chicken (chopped into 4-6 parts)
4-5 inch ginger
5-6 pieces garlic
soy sauce
2 table spoon honey
pinch of salt
pinch of sugar
1-2 tablespoon oyster sauce

ingredient C (soup)
onion finely chopped
3-4 inch ginger
some pieces of chicken/ chicken bone

ingredient D. (blended for its sauce)
5 chilies
2 tomatoes
pinch of salt and sugar
3-4 tablespoon lemon juice

how to?
1- steam the whole chicken 
2- use the water of steamed chicken (chicken stock) for soup and rice (divide into two parts)
3- marinate the chicken with ingredient B
4- boil ingredient C and add one part of the chicken stock prepared.
5- prepare the rice,heat the oil, fry the onion, add rice, chicken stock and all ingredient A, add water if necessary.
6- roast the chicken or you may fry if you like. (150 degree C for about 30-40min)

serve when it's ready.

it should be served with tomatoes and salad, but im so lazy to check out the veggie case in the fridge ^^,

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