Tuesday, October 25, 2011

baked macaroni

so i prepared some baked macaroni and spaghetti bolognese for me and my friend, we went out somewhere then i decided to cook our favourite meal, ok im happy to have anything, but to feed my friend, is slightly different, i still am learning about the favourite. so here i'll share the baked macaroni recipe i learnt from someone's entry. i think her recipe is far easier than the one that i did most of the time. it required less time and energy.

so here it is.
ingredients A
200g macaroni pasta - boiled and fish them out when ready
300g fresh prawn (i dont use this, i forgot)
10 crab sticks (sliced)
10 sausages (sliced)
1 chilli - sliced
100 g cheddar cheese
mixed veggie (i added this because i wanted it to look colourful :P)

ingredients B
five eggs (medium size)
200 ml fresh milk
2 table spoon melted butter
2 teaspoon flour 
2 teaspoon salt ( a pinch of salt)
1 teaspoon all spice 
1-2 teaspoon paprika
1-2 teaspoon black papper

how to?
1- beat the ingredients B very well
2 - mix the ingredients A in a large bowl
3- pour B into A
4- spoon them into the greased muffin trays 
five - bake them for 16-20 minutes in 160 degree C
6 - when ready, have it with tomato ketchup, mayonnaise or anything you like.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

crunchy corn flakes peanut butter chocolate bar

all right, i've tried some recipes these few days, but i forgot to snap some pictures for the record, or if i did, i think i forgot how i actually baked or cook them. and even worse when i think my cooking was great then i forgot i have this blog (too much self-flattering :p) so now before i forgot things again, im going to share another recipe.

crunchy corn flakes peanut butter chocolate  bar.

what i did was...

 melt 4 table spoon honey, 2-3 table spoon butter and pour 160g corn flakes. mix them well and pour the mixture into a tray. i used baking paper and  greased it before putting on the tray, then bake the mixture for about 20 minutes or less in 160 degree C. prepare the next layer while it bake and once it's ready, cool it down.

 for the next layer, i had 1 cup peanut butter, 20g chocolate button, and 4 spoon butter. i guess i need to reduce the butter as it's not thick ask i wish it was. pour the butter mixture onto the cornflakes.

then for the next layer, it should be chocolate layer without peanut butter. since i wasnt  happy with the second layer, then i still added some butter for this layer, decreased the butter and i added more chocolate. so i used 1-1 1/2 spoon butter, 30g chocolate buttons, 4-6 spoon peanut butter. so yeah, it's thicker than the second layer ^^

then i let it cool in the fridge for about 20minutes, and slice them into squares. make sure you slice them earlier, or else, you gonna have a real big crunch bar. hehe

so here it is, i will try peanuts next time instead of corn flakes :)